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Bondix Newsletter 9/2022

Updated: Sep 12, 2022

In this newsletter, you'll find information on our new Bondix license model, our new Bondix partners, September dates you might want to save, and release notes of the newest monthly Bondix S.A.NE release version.


New Bondix License Model


In the last few months, we've given a lot of thought to how we want to get Bondix S.A.NE out there and we feel that the simpler the process, the more attractive it will be.

So, here it is, the result of months of deep thinking:

The Model

Distributors and Resellers buy a pool of license credits in advance from Bondix and sell them as individual licenses to their customers–inSANEly easy.

License Credits

One license credit equals one active tunnel for a duration of 12 months.

You can combine up to three license credits to fit the needs of your customers, e.g. one 36-month license for one customer or one 12-month license for three customers, and many more.

A licensing period starts on the first day of the month in which it is activated, and ends on the last day of the same month a year later. Sounds difficult, but really isn't! For example, you activate a license on 8/9/2022, and can use it from this moment on (we call this the "Grace Period")–the licensing period starts on 1/10/2022, however, and ends on 30/9/2023.

License Types





Special Ops

Bonding Throughput

Up to 10 Mbit/s

Up to 75 Mbit/s

Up to 200 Mbit/s



Max. # of Bonded WAN Links






Offline License

Pricing Tier






In case you need this information a bit more detailed and in one document, please download the Bondix License Model (PDF file, 570kB).


New Bondix Partners


We're very proud to welcome these three new partners to the Bondix family!

QCS AirInternet, Netherlands: Internet for Businesses in Areas with Poor Infrastructure
XCommNet, Great Britain: Internet for Rapid Deployment, Remote and Hard-to-Reach Places
Unwired Networks, Austria: Internet for Public and Private Transport, Tourism and Retail

Here's to a successful cooperation!


Saveworthy Dates


With ever more partners joining the Bondix network, we'd like to use our reach to point out events that our partners or we organize or attend and that might be of interest to all of you.

September 2022

15 / Stadtwerketag Köln: Lucom
20-23 / InnoTrans Berlin: Unwired Networks

If you also have an event you want featured in the Bondix newsletter, please contact


Bondix S.A.NE September 2022 Release Notes


Our developers work on Bondix S.A.NE software incrementally which means that bug fixes, improvements, and even new features are constantly added, producing new release versions every couple of days.

On a monthly basis, we publish a version that combines all changes added since the last version.

This September 2022 Release contains the following changes:

New Features
Bug Fixes

Download the release notes here: Release Notes (PDF file, 200kB)

Choose the correct Bondix S.A.NE Client for your router here: Releases

If you're interested in and have the means for testing and evaluating incremental changes to the software, please contact


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